IoT is the most relevant technology at present. As the name suggests, in IoT, the digital world meets the physical world. For example, a Voice-controlled assistant involves IoT.
The sensors, software, and other technologies are integrated into the physical objects for connecting and sharing data with other systems and devices on the internet called the Internet of Things. Another example of IoT is vacuum cleaners that are automated by software.
IoT makes appliances smart. The appliances you were managing manually, now are automatic. IoT is the technology made for your well-being. One may wonder about the possibilities of it. After all, these are machines, how can they do that? They simply do it through the use of technology.
Whenever it comes across any task, it learns that task. And, with the help of machine learning and analytics, it functions properly. With the help of these technologies, enterprises can gather insights faster and more easily.
These technologies are constantly pushing the limits of IoT. It works in a cycle. Just like IoT depends on machine learning and analytics, these technologies also depend on data produced by IoT.

What is Big Data?

Enormous information depicts exceptionally huge arrangements of data. This data can emerge out of any place and all over the place, from joins tapped via online media to monetary exchanges with large numbers of dollars.
 It's assessed that there are presently more than 44 zettabytes (or 352 trillion GB) of information including the advanced universe, with most of that information having been made in recent years.
Regardless of whether through displaying programming or man-made reasoning (AI), like AI, these examinations are being utilized to foresee results, settle on suggestions, and guide significant choices.
In this article, we are focusing on how IoT technology is used to collect data for big data analysis and machine learning.

Lets take a look at the relation of machine learning with IoT. 

1. IoT applications gather the variables through their sensors and store them in the cloud.
2. The variables like vibration, heat, temperature, and noise in that storage are analyzed. At this stage, Machine learning processes the gathered data in the cloud.
3. It divides the data into two units i.e., data for verification and data for training.
4. Then, the program analyses the preexisting records and finds the correlations and projection, and then comes up with a hypothesis.
5. Then the hypothesis is tested and validated. And once, the hypothesis is validated, then it is executed.
6. After execution, Data is sent into the trained model, which can then infer information about the machine's status/health based on what it is looking for and what it knows. This is how the Machine learning algorithm works.
7. By this practice, they understand the new trends and learnings.

When we say IoT information, what sort of information would we say we are taking a gander at?

Metadata: Device ID, Class or type, Model, Date of production, Hardware chronic number, and so on
State data: information that portrays the current status of the gadget, not of the climate. This data can be perused/composed.
Telemetry: This is perused just information about the climate, typically gathered through sensors. Each wellspring of telemetry brings about a station. This information is put away as a stateful variable on the gadget or in the cloud.
Orders: This data comprises activities performed by a gadget.
Functional data: Data, for example, a PC's working temperature falls under this classification. It becomes pertinent as one needs to react to breakages and to address execution debasement of programming after refreshes.
Interfacing IoT And ML

Carrying out IoT ordinarily would look as follows:

"     IoT sensors are added to the apparatus that glances at discrete factors like vibration, commotion, warmth, and temperature. This information is then transferred to the cloud for investigation.
"     Presently ML comes into the image, the AI model sits on the cloud stage benefiting from approaching information.
"     The ML model parts the data into information utilized for preparing and for confirmation.
"    The model glances at countless records for inconsistencies, relationships, and projections, to think of speculation.
"     When the speculation has been made, it should be tried and approved.
"     When a model has been approved, it's distributed as an executable endpoint.
"    Then, the live streaming information can be gone through the prepared model and make a surmising about the status/soundness of the hardware dependent on what it knows and has been prepared to search for.
Modern IoT analytics platforms are constructed in this manner. Microsoft, IBM, and Amazon all use it as the generic architecture. This is how the data is collected for Machine learning. 
When the whole IoT system functions as a data source, the role of big data in IoT becomes critical. Big data analytics is an emerging technique for evaluating data provided by linked IoT devices, which helps to take the lead in better decision-making. The process of collecting big data for analysis is the same as collecting data for machine learning. 
The companies get a huge benefit from this process. It automated process control, increased customer engagement, and empowered staff to improve operations. Retail, healthcare, telematics, manufacturing, and smart cities have all benefited from the use of IoT and data analytics. However, it has yet to be completely understood how valuable it may be for enterprises.
The ability to get real-time diagnostic and predictive data may be a game-changer, especially for enterprises that heavily rely on their equipment operating well and to its full potential.
IoT data analytics enables employees to plan downtimes that are convenient or know exactly what is wrong without bringing in a professional to inspect the equipment. All of this adds up to a more cost-effective and productive organization. 
IoT data analytics is still expanding and becoming more popular, despite the many obstacles that must be addressed. It has the potential to provide never-before-seen insights. Soon, it's realistic to expect that people will agree that the benefits of it exceed the drawbacks. 
 The IoT Academy tends to provide a platform with professionals who know about machine learning and would help them to pursue their careers in different fields. With live sessions and quality mentorship, it's easy to crack your dream job in the field of machine learning. 
Advanced Certification in Applied Data Science, Machine Learning & IoT By E&ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati