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DevOps is one of the most desirable buzzwords in tech, but it's much more than just buzz. It is a coalition between the development and operations teams to deliver the product faster and more efficiently. The past few years have seen massive job openings for DevOps engineers. Multinational companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon often have several open positions for expert DevOps engineers. Nevertheless, the job market is highly competitive, and DevOps engineer interview questions can cover many challenging topics.
To crack the DevOps interview, you should familiarize yourself with the following topics:
Software development life cycle Automation processes
Configuration management
Implementation systems and deployment strategies
Monitoring and logging systems on AWS
Automate operational processes
Disaster Recovery for data recovery
If you've started preparing for development and operations roles in the IT industry, you know that it's a challenging field that will require some preparation before you get into it. Here are some of the most asked DevOps interview questions and answers to help you prepare for DevOps roles in the industry.
In this blog, we will see some top DevOps interview questions.

1. Explain what DevOps is.

It is a newly emerging concept in the field of IT. It is nothing but a practice that emphasizes the collaboration and communication of both the software developers and the deployment (operations) team. It focuses on delivering software products faster and reducing the error rate of releases.

2. What are the key aspects or principles of DevOps?

The key aspects or principles of DevOps are
Infrastructure as code
Continuous deployment

3. List three important DevOps KPIs.

The three important KPIs are as follows:
Failure Recovery Meantime: This is the average failure recovery time.
Deployment Frequency: The frequency at which deployment occurs.
Deployment Failure Percentage: The number of deployment failures.

4. Explain the term "Infrastructure as Code" (IaC) related to configuration management.

Writing code for configuration management, deployment, and automatic provisioning.
Work data centers with machine-readable definition files rather than physical hardware configuration.
Ensure all your servers and other infrastructure components are provisioned consistently and effortlessly.
Cloud computing environment management, also known as infrastructure as a service (IaaS).

5. How is IaC implemented using AWS?

Start by talking about the ancient mechanisms of writing commands to script files and testing them in another environment before deploying and how Ian is replacing that approach. Similar to code written for other services, with the help of AWS, IaC allows developers to write, test, and descriptively maintain infrastructure entities using formats such as JSON or YAML. This allows for easier development and faster deployment of infrastructure changes.

6. Explain how DevOps is useful for developers?

DevOps can be helpful for developers to fix bugs and implement new features quickly. It also helps to make communication between team members more transparent.

7. Name some famous tools for DevOps?

Some of the famous tools for DevOps are
ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)

8. State in which case you used SSH?

I used SSH to log in to the remote computer and work on the command line. In addition, I also used it to tunnel into the system to facilitate secure encrypted communication between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network.

9. Explain how you would endure revision (version) control?

My revision control approach would be publishing the code on SourceForge or GitHub for anyone to view. I will also post the checklist from the last revision to ensure any outstanding issues are resolved.

10. What is automation testing?

Automation Testing is the method of automating a manual procedure for testing an application or system. Automation testing involves using independent testing tools that allow you to develop test scripts that can be run repeatedly without human interaction.

11. What are the advantages of automated testing?

Some of the benefits of automated testing are:
It helps to save money and time.
Unmanned design can be done quickly.
Huge test matrices can be easily tested.
Parallel execution is allowed.
Reduction of human error resulting in increased accuracy.
Repeated performance of test jobs is supported.

12. What are the types of HTTP requests?

HTTP request types are:

13. Why do you need continuous integration of development and testing?

Continuous integration of development and testing improves software quality and reduces time to delivery by replacing traditional testing practices after all action is complete. It allows the development team to detect and localize problems early because developers need to integrate code into the shared repository many times a day (more often). Each check-in is then automatically tested.

14. What are the success factors of continuous integration?

Here are some requirements of continuous integration that are necessary for success:
Maintain a code repository
Automate construction
Run a build self-test
Everyone commits to a baseline every day.
Each commitment (to the baseline) should be made.
Keep the body fast.
Test in a clone of the production environment
Make it easy to get the latest output.
Everyone can see the results of the newest form.
Automate deployment

15. When should we use Selenium Grid?

It can be used to run the same or different test scripts on multiple platforms and browsers simultaneously to achieve distributed test execution. It allows testing in different environments, which significantly saves execution time.

16. Describe the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit().

The driver.close command closes the selected browser window. However, the driver.quit calls the driver.dispose method, closes all browser windows, and terminates the WebDriver session.

17. How do you secure Jenkins?

Jenkins can be secured in many ways some are as follows:
Make sure global security is turned on
Check that Jenkins is integrated with the company user directory using the appropriate plugin
Make sure the project matrix is ??enabled to fine-tune the approach
Automate the process of setting rights or permissions in Jenkins with a custom version-controlled script
Restrict physical access to Jenkins data or folders
Conduct regular security audits

18. What do you mean by "Infrastructure as code"? How does this fit into the DevOps methodology? What goal does it achieve?

Infrastructure as Code (IAC) is an IT infrastructure that operations teams can use to automatically manage and deliver through code instead of a manual process.
For faster deployment, companies treat infrastructures like software: as code that can be managed using DevOps tools and processes. These tools make infrastructure changes more accessible, faster, safer, and reliable.

19. How is a cookbook different from a recipe from a chef?

A recipe is a pack of resources and especially configures a software package or some piece of infrastructure. The cookbook packs recipes and other information more effortlessly than if you only have recipes.

20. State the difference between Memcache and Memcached? 

Memcache is an extension that permits you to work through practical object-oriented (OOP) and procedural interfaces. It is developed to reduce database load in dynamic web applications.
Whereas Memcached is an extension that uses the libmemcached library to provide an API for communicating with Memcached servers. It enhances dynamic web applications by easing the load on the database. It is the latest API.

21. Explain the blue/green deployment pattern

The blue/green color pattern addresses the most critical challenges during automated deployment. You must provide two identical production environments in a Blue/Green Deployment approach. But only one of them is living in the moment. The LIVE environment is called the blue environment.
When the team prepares the next version of its software, it performs the final testing phase in what is known as a green environment. After verification, the traffic is directed to the Green environment.

22. What are containers?

Containers are from lightweight virtualization. They offer isolation between processes.

23. What is a postmortem meeting regarding DevOps?

A postmortem meeting is conducted to discuss what went wrong and what steps you need to take to avoid failure.

24. What is the easiest method to build a small cloud?

VMfres is one of the most effective options to create an IaaS cloud from Virtual Box virtual machines in no time. However, Dokku is a good choice if you want a lightweight PaaS because the bash script can be PaaS from Dokku containers.

25. What is a namespace in Kubernetes?

Namespaces are a method to split cluster resources among multiple users in Kubernetes. In other words, it's helpful when different teams or users use the same cluster, which can lead to potential name collisions.

26. What is kubectl?

By definition, kubectl is a command-line interface for executing commands against Kubernetes groups. Here 'ctl' stands for 'control'. This "kubectl" command-line interface can deploy applications, control and manage cluster resources, and view logs.

27. What types of testing does Selenium support?

Selenium supports regression testing and functional testing.

28. What are the prerequisites for installing Ansible 2.8 on Linux?

To install Ansible 2.8 on Linux, Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) must be enabled, and Python 3 must be installed on the remote nodes.

29. What is the role of configuration management in DevOps?

The significant benefits of configuration management are listed below:
It allows us to manage configurations on multiple systems.
It allows us to standardize designs across all systems in the cluster.
It helps us manage and manage multiple servers in an architecture.

30. What is the role of AWS in DevOps?

AWS in DevOps acts as a cloud provider and has the following role in DevOps:
Flexible Services: AWS delivers us with ready-to-use resources for implementation.
Scaling Purpose: We can put thousands of machines on AWS, relying on the requirement.
Automation: AWS helps us automate tasks using different services.
Security: We can secure our deployments and builds using security options (IAM).

Winding up!

In this blog, we have seen the 30 best interview questions for DevOps. We hope this helps you in your learning.