Data Science, Machine Learning and IoT are redefining our way of life, enabling machines to do what people once thought only humans could do. It is also revolutionizing the way we do business. The global ML market is projected to be $30.6B by 2024.
An industry-approved program designed by E&ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati for future Data Scientists & ML Engineers. Learn in-demand skills such as Statistical Thinking, Data Analysis & Visualization, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Python, Tensor Flow, Neural Networks & Deep Learning, Speech Recognition, IoT and work on multiple industry projects & multiple tools.
The Agenda of the Webinar:
1. Introduction to Data Science, Machine Learning & IoT.
2. All About Data Science, Machine Learning, AI: Career, Trends & Opportunities.
3. Brief overview of Advanced Certification Program on Applied Data Science, Machine Learning & IoT By E&ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati.
4. Job Assistance Session By The IoT Academy Placement Partner
5. Q&A
We look forward to your participation and wish you all the best on your career journey.
Feel free to reach out to us if you have any further queries.
Contact: +91-8595486148 (WA), +91 83939 47987(Call)
EICT Academy
IIT Guwahati