
Are you a web developer and interested in developing unique and high-quality websites? Well, in this case, you need to have proper and in-depth knowledge about front-end languages.

To be frank, there are countless options in regards to languages for front-end development. You might find it difficult to opt for the best one because each language has advantages and disadvantages.

The choice of a particular language influences the website development process and the user experience. So, in this article, we will help you find the top 10 easy front-end languages popular in 2022.

Before moving on to the list of best front-end programming languages, let's have a quick overview of front-end language's definition.

What is Front-End Development Language?

Front-end introduces a user to the portion of a software application that can be viewed and interacted with. Front-end languages can be defined as programming languages operated by developers on the front end of a particular website.

The term 'front end' simply means the visible end of the site foreseen by the visitor. The main reason behind installing front-end languages is that the site displays the required material for the passing visitors.

Best Front-End Languages 2022

As a beginner, it is very important to be well-acquainted with front-end languages. These languages help you develop and create the front end of your website or software. Below are the top 8 front-end development languages for you to choose from.

1. CSS

CSS is an easy front-end language used to provide documents for users about layout and style. A document, here, means a text file comprising a markup language. For example  SVG, HTML etc.

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and this front-end language describes the layout of HTML elements on the site for the users. The language is used widely with browsers like Chrome and Firefox. It is built to recast documents onto screens, printers, and projectors visually.

CSS handles different elements on a web page. Selectors use this front-end programming language for performing matching of attributes and attribute values.
CSS can assist web developers in making various custom changes with text justification and word hyphenation style.
CSS supports the function of rearranging character spaces within a website. This feature upgrades the visual effect of sites.

2. React

React is a UI development library that is written in Javascript. Facebook along with an open-source developer community happens to run it. Even though React is a library and not a language, its usage in web development is quite popular. React goes beyond the simple UI interface and has a different reach like Flux and React Native for entire application architecture support.
Features of React
JSX-JSX tends to make the coding process easier for understanding and debugging as it tends to avoid the usage of JS DOM structures that are rather complex.
Virtual DOM - When an object's state changes, virtual DOM updates only that definite object in the real DOM instead of all. 


HTML is one of the best front-end languages 2022 used for creating electronic documents featured across the web. Every single page available on a website is connected to multiple hyperlinks or is linked to other pages.

HyperText Markup Language is essentially required by browsers to learn the art of displaying texts or performing the loading of different elements. The main reason behind its popularity is that HTML is easy to learn & uses simple tags.

Html comes with a simple learning curve, is platform-independent, and renders easy usability.
Html enables the quick and hassle-free addition of videos, images, and audio content to a web page.
HTML finances multiple browsers & developers can optimize it for loading different browsers.

4. JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the most important and popular front-end languages. You cannot think of working on-site without the knowledge of JavaScript. Developers prefer this front-end programming software because it can create dynamic and responsive web pages.

JavaScript comes with the feature of supporting dynamic typing. This means that types of variables are defined based on the stored value.
JavaScript is a prototype-based scripting language & hence it uses prototypes instead of classes/inheritance.

5. TypeScript

TypeScript is another popular front-end development language used in 2022. Developers here can expect a readable and familiar layout as JavaScript. This object-oriented programming language is developed by Microsoft and is used for crafted and specific web pages.

One of the major benefits of using TypeScript is that it can simplify coding. You can choose this language as a front-end developer. Because it is easier to read and understand.

TypeScript compiler is inaugurated by developers within any Operating System. For example, Windows, macOS, and Linux.
TypeScript comes with robust & comprehensive features - Classes, Interfaces, and Modules. Developers can develop object-oriented code with this language.

6. AngularJS

AngularJS is a popular front-end programming language used by innumerable developers globally. It is an open-source free language used for creating visually appealing web designs.

Practical and scalable applications offered by Angular are one of the reasons why AngularJS is popular among web developers. It even offers a handful of ready-to-install extensions that can boost the development process.

AngularJS is a systematic framework that can design Rich Internet Applications (RIA).
AngularJS has a feature - write client-side applications.

7. Query

jQuery is one of the popular and easy front-end languages used in 2022 by many web developers. It offers an objective & feature-packed JavaScript library. Developers use this language for handling events, traversing HTML, and manipulating documents, and animations.

jQuery comes with predefined CSS() methods for transforming HTML element style.
jQuery assists in the effortless selection and content modification of DOM elements.

8. Swift

Swift is a front-end programming language developed by Apple. The program is best-suited for developing the techs required in creating iOS, macOS, and watchOS applications. If you are someone who is looking to develop websites on iOS mobile, this is a great option.

Swift go-round with easy and safe patterns
Developers can easily access the latest programming features via Swift

Final Thoughts

We hope this article has helped you in understanding about the best front-end programming languages for 2022.